Bridal Bouquet


Garden style gathering of premium focal blooms, smaller accent blooms and floating “dancer” varieties in your chosen color palette, accented with seasonal foliage and textural elements. All bouquets are created in our signature loose, layered style with a natural and artful shape. Tied in silk ribbon. Size 16-18" diameter.

Image credits from left to right: Angela Lally, Ashley Bosnick, Feather & Twine, Feather & Twine, Jen Dillender, Jenna McElroy, Jenna McElroy, Jenny DeMarco, Jessica Gold, Julie Wilhite, Kristyn Harder

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Garden style gathering of premium focal blooms, smaller accent blooms and floating “dancer” varieties in your chosen color palette, accented with seasonal foliage and textural elements. All bouquets are created in our signature loose, layered style with a natural and artful shape. Tied in silk ribbon. Size 16-18" diameter.

Image credits from left to right: Angela Lally, Ashley Bosnick, Feather & Twine, Feather & Twine, Jen Dillender, Jenna McElroy, Jenna McElroy, Jenny DeMarco, Jessica Gold, Julie Wilhite, Kristyn Harder

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Garden style gathering of premium focal blooms, smaller accent blooms and floating “dancer” varieties in your chosen color palette, accented with seasonal foliage and textural elements. All bouquets are created in our signature loose, layered style with a natural and artful shape. Tied in silk ribbon. Size 16-18" diameter.

Image credits from left to right: Angela Lally, Ashley Bosnick, Feather & Twine, Feather & Twine, Jen Dillender, Jenna McElroy, Jenna McElroy, Jenny DeMarco, Jessica Gold, Julie Wilhite, Kristyn Harder

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